Wings Magazine

AAA Canada expands in Montreal

June 21, 2011, Montreal - AAA Canada is expanding in Greater Montréal. The company is a sub-contracting specialist in the industrial aerospace production sector, and receives support from Montréal International. It plans on creating over 210 specialized aeronautics jobs over the next two years.

June 21, 2011  By Carey Fredericks

The announcement was made at the 49th International Paris Air Show – Le Bourget.

AAA has more than 20 years of experience working for leaders in the aerospace and nautical industry, and employs close to 1,500 people in seven countries. AAA has exclusive knowledge in a variety of areas, including aircraft sub-assembly production, finishing, repair, transformation and maintenance at aircraft sites, technical support and logistics, inspection, control and quality assurance, and training.

"The developments taking place at AAA Canada stem from our company's desire to pursue its expansion in the North American market.  To achieve this, we are able to provide innovative and unique services to our customers in the region. Our teams can be deployed at a company's site to meet the ad hoc requirements for technical expertise specializing in aeronautics, but we also provide service packages that take into account the specific needs of each of our clients," explained AAA Canada's Managing Director, Richard Demoucelle.

"Québec offers numerous advantages to foreign companies, such as specialized, competent workers who are readily available. One out of 200 people work in the aerospace industry in Québec, which is quite considerable. Such a concentration of workers and companies is unique in the world and creates true synergy between the various players in the community. AAA's expansion will be favourable for the Québec aerospace industry and I would like to congratulate the company executives for their outstanding growth prospects," said Minister of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade, Clément Gignac.

"AAA's expansion will undoubtedly make our economy even more dynamic. Montréal has become a world leader in the aerospace industry thanks to the collective choices that we have made and the innovative companies that have decided to set up here. Our 2011-2017 economic development strategy will allow us to capitalize on our assets to make Montréal a focal point for creativity and success," pointed out Gérald Tremblay, Mayor of Montréal and President of the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal.

"The growth of a company such as AAA Canada in the Greater Montréal region shows once again the vitality of our region in a strategic sector of our economy. It also bolsters our region's reputation as an international-calibre centre for the aerospace sector. AAA Canada will benefit from the many advantages offered by the Greater Montréal's aerospace cluster, notably, abundant and highly-skilled labour," said Montréal International President and CEO, Jacques St-Laurent.


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