Wings Magazine

AeroMechanical services ltd. announces staff appointment and issuance of stock options

Aug. 5, 2009, Calgary – AeroMechanical Services Ltd. (AMA) is pleased to announce that Mr. Bill Peltola has been appointed Flyht Inc.'s (a wholly owned subsidiary of AMA) Director of Business Development.

August 5, 2009  By Administrator

Aug. 5, 2009, Calgary – AeroMechanical Services Ltd. (AMA) is pleased
to announce that Mr. Bill Peltola has been appointed Flyht Inc.'s (a
wholly owned subsidiary of AMA) Director of Business Development.

Mr. Peltola, has a distinguished career in aviation communications and
electronics, most recently at Aircell LLC, where over the past 7 years
as Senior vice-president he played a major role in its rapid growth.
After starting his career at The Boeing Company, Mr. Peltola spent 12
years at Sundstrand Data Control, where he held a variety of positions
in contracts and sales/marketing departments and, focusing on, at
times, the flight data recorder business. Mr. Peltola had previously
focused his efforts on bringing air to ground communication solutions
to the aerospace market through senior positions at British Telecom,
Iridium LLC, GTE Airfone and GEC Marconi Inflight Systems before
joining Aircell LLC.

Mr. Peltola holds an MBA from the University of Pudget Sound and is a
native of the state of Washington. He is a licensed private pilot from
an aviation-oriented family.

AMA welcomes Mr. Peltola to their management team and wishes to also
announce that, pursuant to its stock option plan approved at the Annual
General Meeting held in May 21, 2009, it has granted incentive stock
options to Mr. Peltola to acquire up to 100,000 common shares of the
Corporation. Terms include: an exercise price of $0.22 per share;
vesting of all of the options occurring immediately; and 1/3 of the
total options granted expiring equally at the end of each year on
December 31 of 2010, 2011 and 2012. The options, and any common shares
issued upon exercise of the options, are subject to a four month hold
period expiring December 2, 2009.


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