Wings Magazine

Aerospace Industries Association of Canada remains positive

Oct. 27, 2008, Ottawa - The Canadian Aerospace industry continues to demonstrate that it is key to the future of the Canadian economy.

October 27, 2008  By Carey Fredericks

Oct. 27, 2008, Ottawa – The Canadian Aerospace industry continues
to demonstrate that it is key to the future of the Canadian economy. "Our
industry is still doing well regardless of the current global financial
situation" said Dr. Claude Lajeunesse, President and CEO of the Aerospace
Industries Association of Canada (AIAC).
Today's announcement by Pratt & Whitney Canada stating that it is
establishing a world-class aerospace centre at Montréal-Mirabel International
Airport for the final assembly and test of the new generation PW800 family of
engines, in addition to that of last week to substantially increase its
investment in R&D in the Montreal area over the next three years, speak to
this fact.

The aerospace industry continues to create highly skilled,
well-paying jobs for Canadians from coast-to-coast at a time where many other
manufacturing sectors are in decline. Order books remain strong and growth in
the global demand for aircraft over the medium and long-term represents
tremendous opportunities for Canadian aerospace firms.

"Our industry's growth
however can not be taken for granted. It faces serious challenges that need to
be addressed if Canada is to remain a leader in a highly competitive global
aerospace market." Dr Lajeunesse said. "I want to ensure that our different
levels of governments, our students seeking to pursue careers in a
high-technology industry and Canadians in general are aware of the opportunity
that the aerospace sector represents for our country" he concluded.

        The AIAC is the national trade association representing Canada's
aerospace manufacturing and services sector. As the world's fourth largest
aerospace industry, Canada's aerospace sector generates $23 billion annually
and employs more than 82,000 Canadians. Eighty-two per cent of Canadian
aerospace products are exported. AIAC represents the interests of
400 aerospace companies across Canada.



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