Wings Magazine

Aerospace industry welcomes Harper cabinet shuffle

July 16, 2013, Ottawa - Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced a major shuffle of the federal Cabinet yesterday, the largest since he formed government in 2006.

July 16, 2013  By Carey Fredericks

July 16, 2013, Ottawa – Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced a major
shuffle of the federal Cabinet yesterday, the largest since he formed
government in 2006.Included in the changes were appointments to several key aerospace-related portfolios:

•             James Moore was appointed as the new Minister of Industry, replacing Christian      Paradis;
•             Responsibility for Public Works and Government Services Canada has moved from
              Minister Rona Ambrose to Minister Diane Finley;
•             Rob Nicholson replaces Peter MacKay as Minister of National Defence; and
•             Lisa Raitt was appointed as the new Minister of Transport, replacing Denis Lebel.
John Baird retains his responsibilities as Minister of Foreign Affairs, as does Minister of International Trade Ed Fast.
Jim Quick, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC), issued the following statement in response to the shuffle:
On behalf of the members of the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada, I congratulate the members of Cabinet on their respective appointments. In particular, we congratulate Ministers Moore, Finley and Nicholson on their new appointments. We are also pleased to see that Ministers John Baird and Ed Fast will continue in their respective roles at Foreign Affairs and International Trade.
Each of these portfolios directly impacts the ongoing success and competitiveness of aerospace in Canada and we are very pleased to see such strong leaders appointed to these critical files. From the Emerson Report on aerospace and space to procurement reform and important international trade negotiations, AIAC and its members have made great progress in working with the government to reinforce the strength and potential of Canadian aerospace companies.
With significant portions of the Emerson and Jenkins Reports remaining to be implemented, however, it is critical that we maintain our momentum. We look forward to our continued work with the Prime Minister, Cabinet and government officials to strengthen our companies, the industry, and the Canadian economy.


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