Wings Magazine

Air Canada reports December Traffic

Air Canada reported a system load factor of 78.3 per cent in December 2006.

September 19, 2007  By Carey Fredericks

MONTREAL, Jan. 4 – Air Canada reported a system load factor of 78.3 per cent in December 2006. The mainline carrier flew 5.2 per cent more revenue passenger miles (RPMs) in December 2006 than in December 2005, according to preliminary traffic figures. Overall capacity increased by 3.1 per cent, resulting in a load factor of 78.9 per cent, compared to 77.3 per cent in December 2005; an increase of 1.6 percentage points. Load factor for the full year was 81%, a record for the third consecutive year.

Jazz, from whom Air Canada purchases regional capacity, flew 25.5 per cent more revenue passenger miles in December 2006 than in December 2005, according to preliminary traffic figures. Capacity increased by 20.8 per cent, resulting in a load factor of 72.4 per cent, compared to 69.7 per cent in December 2005; an increase of 2.7 percentage points.

Year over year, system traffic on a combined basis for Air Canada and Jazz, rose 6.7 per cent on a capacity increase of 4.5 per cent, resulting in a load factor of 78.3 per cent; an increase of 1.6 percentage points.



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