Wings Magazine

Baldwin Aviation introduces SMS options

Sept. 8, 2011, Hilton Head, S.C. - Baldwin Aviation Safety & Compliance has launched their latest program to support the Owner /Operator of fixed and rotor wing aircraft.

September 8, 2011  By Carey Fredericks

"SMSace® has been developed specifically for owners and operators of Light Business Aircraft to provide them with a unique set of tools for a structured safety program," explained Don Baldwin, President and Chief Executive Officer of Baldwin. "We were approached by numerous owners and operators who fly their own aircraft requesting an affordable, easy-to-use safety program. We created a standardized business operations manual that is the foundation for a typical one aircraft/one pilot operation safety management system. By developing a network among similar aircraft type owners, analyzing their data and combining them with resources from the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA), the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) and standardized Baldwin risk assessments and safety reports, SMSace® offers the Owner/Operator an appropriate level program at a reasonable cost."

Baldwin Aviation will conduct an initial assessment and enroll the operator in SMSace® for a fee of $500. Operators will continue to receive SMS services and support for a flat monthly fee of $125.

"The Baldwin SMSace® program is an outstanding way for individual owner/pilots to access the tools and information needed to maintain currency in a rapidly changing, high-technology air traffic system," noted Richard Keltner, Director of Safety for Global Aerospace Insurance Underwriters. "It is definitely a safety-enhancing tool. As a subscriber to one of the existing Baldwin programs, we have learned first-hand the value of a quality safety management system. The Baldwin Aviation Risk Analysis and hazard tracking tools helped us take our safety program to the next level. If you are engaged in the development of a Safety Management System, you should take a look at the Baldwin programs. Great products. Great team!”



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