Wings Magazine

BizAv’s response to Sandy crisis impresses NBAA

Nov. 14, 2012, Washington, D.C. - The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) today recognized the business aviation community’s impressive response to the devastation produced by “Superstorm” Sandy in the Northeast, and encouraged Association Members to continue providing assets, supplies and cash contributions to humanitarian groups.

November 14, 2012  By Carey Fredericks

"The business aviation community has repeatedly demonstrated its readiness to step forward to help in the wake of natural disasters,” said NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen, pointing as examples to the industry’s coordinated efforts to fly in badly needed medical and other supplies following Hurricane Katrina in 2005, and the earthquake in Haiti in 2010. "The industry has again snapped into action with a variety of efforts to help people and communities following ‘Superstorm’ Sandy, as well."

In the hours before the storm made landfall on the shores of southern New Jersey in late October, NBAA urged Association Members to consider entering available aircraft, assets and volunteers into the Association’s Humanitarian Emergency Response Operator (HERO) database – a list of people and companies ready to assist with disaster-response mobilization efforts.

Even before the full impact from Sandy was widely known, operators and others registered in the HERO database were working with national emergency agencies and personnel to assist with post-storm relief efforts using business aircraft.

These efforts resulted in a wide range of relief missions operated by a diverse mix of business aircraft, ranging from Cessna and Piper piston singles to transcontinental Global Express jets. One relief organization, AEROBridge, reports that it has directly coordinated the delivery of more than 50,000 lbs. of supplies onboard business aircraft, and has assisted with an additional 70,000 lbs. of donations being driven into affected areas of New York and New Jersey.


"While this initial response has been impressive, efforts on the ground to assist the people in coastal areas in New York and New Jersey continue," Bolen noted. "The business aviation industry can provide airplanes and crews, donate supplies and provide cash contributions to humanitarian organizations in the industry."

Bolen pointed to two specific ways the business aviation community could continue supporting “Superstorm” Sandy relief efforts.


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