Wings Magazine

Boeing Highlights Increased Environment Focus in 2008 Report

May 23, 2008, Chicago - The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has released its 2008 Environment Report, detailing its performance, strategy and actions to reduce its environmental footprint and lead the aerospace industry with environmentally progressive products and services.

May 23, 2008  By Carey Fredericks

May 23, 2008, Chicago – The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has released its 2008 Environment Report, detailing its performance, strategy and actions to reduce its environmental footprint and lead the aerospace industry with environmentally progressive products and services.

"Climate change and pollution are serious global concerns," said Jim McNerney, Boeing chairman, president and CEO. "Recognizing that, Boeing has set a clear strategy to help protect our eco-system. Our greatest contributions will continue to come from innovation–delivering improved environmental performance for customers while relentlessly reducing our own footprint."

Boeing has a record of integrating environmental performance improvements through technology advancements. Over the last 40 years, airplane emissions of carbon dioxide have been reduced by around 70 percent and the noise footprints have been reduced by approximately 90 percent. Boeing targets improving fuel efficiency of each new generation of commercial airplane by 15 percent compared to the airplanes they replace.
"It's a good record, but it's clear we need to accelerate our efforts," said McNerney. "Because of the tremendous benefits aerospace brings to the world, our industry–and our company with it–is growing, and we are focused on achieving carbon-neutral growth and then continued reductions."
The 2008 Environment Report states that Boeing's manufacturing operations have achieved significant improvements between 2002 and 2007. On a revenue-adjusted basis, Boeing has reduced energy use and carbon dioxide emissions at its major facilities by 24 percent and hazardous waste by 30 percent. On an absolute basis the reductions are 5 percent for energy use, 4.8 percent for carbon dioxide emissions and 12 percent for hazardous waste.

Some highlights of Boeing's work with environmentally progressive technologies include:
         The world's first flight of a commercial airplane powered in part by biofuels, in collaboration with Virgin Atlantic Airways and GE Aviation. Boeing is focused on research for advanced generations of sustainable biofuels using biomass that do not compete with food crops or water resources.
         The world's first straight-and-level flight of a manned airplane powered only by a fuel-cell. The research may benefit secondary aircraft system power use.
         Delivery of world-record holding solar cells by Boeing subsidiary Spectrolab Inc., to an Australian customer to power a 154MW power station.
Available online at, the 2008 Environment Report highlights that Boeing is now targeting a further 25-percent revenue-adjusted reduction of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions by 2012, with similar goals for recycling and hazardous waste.



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