Wings Magazine

ConocoPhillips receives ‘Angel of the Year’ award

Oct. 6, 2011, Las Vegas, Nv. - ConocoPhillips Company, the third largest integrated energy company in the United States, will be awarded the first Corporate Angel Network “Angel of the Year” Award for outstanding service to cancer patients.

September 30, 2011  By Carey Fredericks

The award will be presented by astronaut Gene Cernan at the annual CAN Charity Benefit on October 11.  The benefit is part of the annual meeting and convention of the National Business Aviation Association in Las Vegas, NV.
Corporate Angel Network provides transportation to treatment for cancer patients in empty seats on corporate aircraft.  CAN has arranged nearly 40,000 patient flights since its founding in 1981.
Randall Greene, chairman of Corporate Angel Network, said ConocoPhillips was chosen for this honor because of the company’s leadership in mixing business activity with programs of social responsibility. “ConocoPhillips began its support of CAN in 1983, and since then has flown nearly 6,000 patients to cancer centers best suited to treat their specific types of cancer,” Greene said.
“We’re proud to be part of Corporate Angel Network and honored to receive this award,” said Jim Mulva, ConocoPhillips Chairman and CEO. “Corporate Angel does an exceptional job helping cancer patients across the U.S. obtain transportation to the treatment they need.  ConocoPhillips’ longstanding participation in this remarkable program stems from a deeply felt commitment to the people in the communities where we live and work. Our participation also extends the value of our aviation assets and gives us a very tangible and frequent opportunity to make a difference in the lives of people in need. ”
Capt. Eugene Cernan, an Apollo 17 astronaut, holds the distinction of being the last man to leave his footprints on the moon. He is an outspoken advocate of continued American leadership in human space exploration.
Corporate Angel Network has grown to include 530 participating corporations, six paid staff, and a team of 50 part-time volunteers who work with patients, physicians, corporate flight departments, and leading treatment centers to coordinate the medical travel needs of cancer patients with the flight activity of participating corporations. 


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