Wings Magazine

Embraer 190 receives ISA+39ºc certification

Sept. 29, 2009, São José dos Campos, Brazil – Embraer has received ISA+39ºC certification for its Embraer 190 commercial jet from Brazil’s ANAC and the FAA.

September 29, 2009  By Carey Fredericks

Sept. 29, 2009, São José dos Campos, Brazil –
Embraer received ISA+39ºC certification for
its Embraer 190 commercial jet, in the third
quarter of 2009, from Brazil’s National Civil
Aviation Agency (Agência Nacional de
Aviação Civil – ANAC) and from the U.S.’s
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). With
this certificate, the aircraft will be able to fly
without operating restriction in airports located
in hot regions, at temperatures of up to 129ºF
(54ºC) at sea level.

“The ISA+39ºC certification is one more step in the aircraft’s improvement process, and it
will assist many of our customers,” says Luciano Castro, Embraer Vice President, Programs –
Airline Market. “This optional item extends the EMBRAER 190’s operational scope to hightemperature
regions, such as the Middle East, Africa, and the Asia Pacific region.”
The aircraft will now be able to land and take off in airports located in hot regions. For
customers based in the Middle East, the African continent, and the Asia Pacific region, for
instance, the improvement means the possibility to open new routes and increase time
schedule flexibility, since it will allow the aircraft to operate during day-time, when
temperatures reach extremely high levels.

About the ISA+39ºC certification
International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) is a model that defines temperature, pressure, density,
and viscosity of the Earth’s atmosphere, as a function of altitude. According to this model, the
standard temperature at sea level, or ISA, is 59ºF (15ºC). Thus, the ISA+39ºC of the
certification of the EMBRAER 190 jet refers to a temperature of 129ºF (54ºC) at sea level.


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