Wings Magazine

Embry-Riddle Worldwide to offer second human factors course

March 10, 2014, Daytona Beach, Fla. - The mental and physical factors that contribute to aviation accidents will be examined during a free, massive open online course (MOOC) offered by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University – Worldwide.

March 10, 2014  By Carey Fredericks

Registration for The Human Factor in Aviation is open to the public. The class, which runs from April 7 to May 11, is limited to 2,000 students.

“We offered a similar MOOC last fall and experienced overwhelming success,” said Dennis Vincenzi, lead course instructor and department chair of the undergraduate aeronautics program at Embry-Riddle Worldwide. “Understanding the human element of aviation is critical as we look to prevent situations like last year’s Asiana Airlines Flight 214 accident at San Francisco International Airport. The MOOC also gives interested parties an opportunity to experience complimentary instruction from Embry-Riddle Worldwide.”

Students enrolled in the MOOC will have the flexibility of viewing lectures and working on assignments based on their own schedules. There will also be live sessions where students can watch the instructor and ask questions in real time. Much of the learning experience will focus on student interaction on discussion boards and through social media platforms such as Twitter.

To learn more about the MOOC at Embry-Riddle Worldwide, visit or



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