Wings Magazine

Hail Ceasar: CAE introduces SAR trauma patient simulator

Jan. 24, 2011, New Orleans, La. - CAE Healthcare today announced that it has launched its CAE Caesar trauma patient simulator at the 2011 International Meeting of Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) Conference held in New Orleans.

January 24, 2011  By Carey Fredericks

CAE Caesar is a high-fidelity patient simulator designed primarily to enhance the initial and sustainment training of soldier medics and the training of tactical law enforcement medics, search and rescue teams and any organization involved in the care of trauma patients at "point of injury".

"After extensive research and development, we are proud to introduce what we believe is the most realistic, robust and autonomous training solution for point of injury care providers," said Peter Cempellin, President of CAE Healthcare. "We have been providing civilian and defence forces with simulation-based aviation training solutions for more than 60 years and we understand the importance of being well prepared. Caesar utilizes technology developed by researchers at CIMIT in collaboration with TATRC and was conceived with contributions from military and civilian subject matter experts. It is an innovative and comprehensive training solution that will result in improved patient outcomes. Medical practitioners will be able to sharpen treatment and critical-thinking skills by practicing life-saving procedures on Caesar for the most difficult scenarios encountered on the battlefield and anywhere trauma strikes."

The size, weight, realistic anatomy, proper joint articulation and autonomous physiological responses of the CAE Caesar trauma patient simulator provide a truly immersive and realistic experience for the learner and help minimize the transition from classroom to real-life scenarios.

Caesar was designed specifically to withstand adverse environmental conditions. It is durable, water-resistant and ruggedized to enable training under realistic conditions.


Caesar can be operated by using an intuitive interface with preset autonomous trauma scenarios developed based on the skills, validation requirements of the soldier medic program. Following the completion of simulated exercises, the instructor has the ability to debrief the learner by reviewing the treatments performed by using an automatic event log that captures what injuries Caesar had, what treatments were provided and when those treatments took place. The ability to have this immediate debrief allows the learners to observe what decisions they made and actions they took and discuss care improvement strategies while the scenario is still fresh in their mind.


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