Wings Magazine

Honeywell Aerospace captures prestigious honour

The National Safety Council has presented the 2015 Robert W. Campbell Award to Phoenix-based Honeywell Aerospace at the NSC Congress & Expo, the world's largest annual gathering of safety and health professionals. Campbell Award winners are an elite group of organizations that have successfully integrated environmental, health and safety (EHS) management with business operations as a cornerstone of corporate excellence.   

September 28, 2015  By Honeywell

“While Honeywell Aerospace is known for manufacturing world-class products to keep all of us safer in flight, today they are receiving the Campbell Award because they are best-in-class at keeping their workforce safe,” said Deborah A.P. Hersman, president and CEO of the National Safety Council. “Honeywell Aerospace is far along on its Journey to Safety Excellence, yet it still strives to do better â€“ the hallmark of a world class organization.”

Campbell Award applicants are evaluated on the integration of their EHS management system into business practices. Honeywell Aerospace received this honor in part because every staff member has a role in incorporating EHS into day-to-day operations. Each level of the organization discusses EHS daily, creating a top-to-bottom, bottom-to-top communications system that ensures every employee is up to date on the organization’s safety performance. 

The approach has yielded impressive results. Honeywell Aerospace’s lost-time injury rate in 2014 was 0.13 – 96 percent better than the 2013 industry average for the Transportation Equipment Manufacturing sector. Is total OSHA recordable case rate was 0.44 – 92 percent better than average for the same sector.

“Safety is who we are,” said Tim Mahoney, President and CEO of Honeywell Aerospace. “It is a core value that is integrated into all aspects of business. We are honored to receive the Campbell Award – a reminder to be proud of our accomplishments but never satisfied.” 


The Campbell Award is underwritten by the Exxon Mobil Corporation. It is named for Robert W. Campbell, a safety pioneer and the first president of the National Safety Council.


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