Wings Magazine

Improved Airport Facilities at Alma, Que.

Dec. 17, 2007, Alma, Que.- Inauguration of Alma Airport's extended landing strip.

December 17, 2007  By Carey Fredericks

Dec. 17, 2007, Alma, Que.- The Honourable Jean-Pierre Blackburn,
minister of Labour and Minister of Canada Economic Development, took part in
today's official inauguration of the new 700-foot extension of the Alma
Airport landing strip. Initiated last spring with the help of $2.25 million in
non-repayable government funding, this upgrade will enable the
Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region to strengthen its industrial base, develop
sustainable competitive advantages and benefit from direct economic spin-offs.
Carried out at a total cost of $2.5 million, this project will have an
immediate impact on the air services offered at Alma, Lac-Saint-Jean's leading
industrial hub. These better, more efficient facilities will enable Alma to
increase its industrial and institutional traffic, serve the Alma-Montréal
travel corridor and create new investment opportunities. Moreover, this
extension will lead to the creation and maintenance of seven airport jobs and
the consolidation of some 40 positions within surrounding businesses based in
the airport's industrial park.
"A key lever of development, these new facilities will help bolster the
economic vitality of the region. This extension of the airport landing strip
is well in line with the government of Canada's determination to invest in our
country's infrastructure, one of the five main advantages we see as critical
to raising Canada's international competitiveness and enhancing our quality of
life," stated minister Blackburn.
"This support from Canada Economic Development has been instrumental in
financing this landing strip extension project. Business people and travellers
alike will benefit from these new facilities. Indeed, we expect to see a major
increase in commercial and private flights, as well as in air ambulance
services," noted Corporation de l'Aéroport d'Alma president Marc Asselin.

This financial assistance was awarded through Canada Economic
Development's "Community Economic Facilities" initiative, a measure that seeks
to help targeted communities equip themselves with sustainable community
facilities that directly serve to strengthen their economic activities.




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