Wings Magazine

Latitude Technologies gains recognition

Oct. 5, 2010, Victoria, B.C. - Latitude Technologies along with Northern Ontario Air Operator, Hicks & Lawrence Limited, were recognized for their support to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) during the 2009 to 2010 fire season.

October 5, 2010  By Carey Fredericks

Oct. 5, 2010, Victoria, B.C. – Latitude Technologies along with
Northern Ontario Air Operator, Hicks & Lawrence Limited, were
recognized for their support to the Ontario Ministry of Natural
Resources (MNR) during the 2009 to 2010 fire season.

The MNR team led by Aerial Officer, Colin McFayden, was able to create and send detailed fire reports during aerial scouting missions using the Latitude Messenger and SkyNode® satcom system, thereby bypassing any ground based radio congestion. Fire reports were received and integrated into the Provincial GIS database, so that within minutes, Fire Managers had all support information necessary to decide on the type of resources to dispatch including helicopters, water bombers, etc.

As result of the efforts to implement and coordinate this project the MNR team was presented the Diamond Merit Award by Showcases Ontario September 20th, 2010 in Toronto. The Merit Award honors the MNR team efforts to improve service delivery through field driven innovations and technology.

“I wanted to pass on my thanks to the staff at Latitude Technologies for all the assistance and continued support.” says Tom Ball, Aerial Fire Operations Coordinator for Ontario. For its part, Latitude is proud to have been able to assist MNR’s efforts to innovate a new communication method to help firefighters.


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