Wings Magazine

Mechachrome announce strategic win

April 27, 2011, Mirabel, Que. - Mecachrome is pleased to announce that they have been selected by Middle River Aircraft Systems (MRAS) for the design, fabrication and assembly of a next-generation pylon.

April 27, 2011  By Carey Fredericks

"Mecachrome is extremely pleased with this award by MRAS. It is a mark of confidence in our companies design, fabrication and assembly capabilities of major aerostructure sub-assemblies" said Charles Magnan, Commercial Director of Mecachrome Canada.

"MRAS is providing us with an opportunity to work on leading edge design, and with world class entities. This award marks a significant milestone in our growth plan for North America" M. Magnan concluded.

"I am very pleased with this award, and simply delighted that a company of such stature as MRAS sees the full value of what our integrated business model can offer. This is not only great news for us, but also for many of the local aerospace suppliers in Montreal who continue to support us in our game plan" said Julio de Sousa, President of Mecachrome.



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