Wings Magazine

Moncton Flight College acquires Atlantic Avionics

June 19, 2013, Halifax - Moncton Flight College (MFC) is pleased to announce its purchase of Atlantic Avionics Inc. (AAI) from the company founders, Uli and Brenda Huber.

June 19, 2013  By Carey Fredericks

“This acquisition will strengthen and diversify our overall business within an expanding and dynamic aviation sector. The management team and staff at Atlantic Avionics are world class service providers and we are pleased to have them as part of our organization and growth strategy”, said Mike Tilley, CEO of MFC. “As well, it positions our company in the Halifax marketplace where many of the key players are located and moving our industry forward.”

Atlantic Avionics is located at the Halifax International Airport in Nova Scotia. The company focuses on providing services to fixed-base operators and maintenance organizations in support of commercial and corporate aircraft, flight schools, charter and cargo operators as well as regional airlines in Atlantic Canada. AAI has a reputation for providing high quality and timely service delivery to its customer-base. This attention to servicing its customers has brought the company repeat business for field support in remote locations across North America.

“We’ve enjoyed 20 years of providing excellent service to clients in this marketplace. Much of the credit should be directed to our dedicated staff and customers who have contributed greatly to our success. We are proud of the business we’ve built including the multiple product dealerships established over the years”, remarked company founder, Uli Huber. The timing is right for our family to transition ownership. Brenda and I will be directly involved with running the business over the next few years to ensure a smooth transition to MFC.


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