Wings Magazine

NACC airlines congratulate Manitoba on aviation fuel tax rebate

Ottawa - The National Airlines Council of Canada (NACC) welcomes last week's announcement by Manitoba Premier Greg Selinger that the province will rebate its aviation fuel tax for international flights from Manitoba to destinations beyond North America.

May 5, 2015  By NACC

“NACC air carriers congratulate the Manitoba Government for its vision and leadership in recognizing the value of the aviation industry as an economic engine, facilitator of growth and enabler of travel and tourism. It is these types of forward-looking decisions that make Winnipeg and Manitoba more attractive for investment and expanded service,” said Marc-André O’Rourke, Executive Director of the NACC.

“This announcement is great news for passengers, communities and businesses across Manitoba because it will create jobs, stimulate trade and help maintain strong air linkages,” added O’Rourke.

In recognition of the value of the aviation industry as an economic engine and an enabler of trade, travel and tourism, Manitoba follows British Columbia which eliminated its aviation fuel tax on international flights as part of its 2012 Jobs Action Plan and Alberta which axed its tax in 2004.

Sadly, the Ontario Government has moved in the opposite direction and increased its aviation fuel tax to the highest level in Canada as part of a 4-year 148 percent hike as announced in its 2014 budget. In stark contrast to Manitoba, Ontario’s decision will hurt economic growth, trade and the development of its vital travel and tourism sectors.


The NACC and its members continue to strongly encourage Ontario to follow suit and eliminate its international aviation fuel tax to promote a competitive and world-class aviation sector in Canada.


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