Wings Magazine

NACC supports “ground the flight tax” campaign

Nov. 6, 2014, Ottawa - The National Airlines Council of Canada (NACC) welcomes the launch of the Ground the Flight Tax petition campaign calling on the Ontario Government to halt the 148 per cent increase to the province's aviation fuel tax.

November 6, 2014  By NACC

“Communities and businesses of all sizes across Ontario are deeply concerned by the significant negative impacts the short-sighted decision to increase aviation fuel taxes will have on their local economy,” said Marc-André O’Rourke, Executive Director of the National Airlines Council of Canada.
“We believe the case is clear that this tax hike is inconsistent with the interests of Ontarians and will hinder job creation and economic growth. We trust the government will respond to the concerns of Ontario’s vital travel and tourism sectors.” O’Rourke added.

The NACC continues to urge the Ontario Government to pause in order to conduct a full study of the adverse economic impacts of the aviation fuel tax increase. This would include meaningful consultations with Ontario municipalities, consumer organizations, chambers of commerce, airports, tourism operators, and other affected parties.


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