Wings Magazine

NACC welcomes Feds attempts to educate UAV users

The National Airlines Council of Canada (NACC), the trade association representing Canada's largest air carriers, supports the Government of Canada's continued commitment to educating drone operators and keeping our skies safe.

June 15, 2016  By NACC

“We welcome the government’s initiative and recognition of the need to address the growing hazard that Unmanned Air Vehicles can pose to commercial aviation, said Marc-André O’Rourke, Executive Director of the NACC.  “We support all efforts to educate the public on the requirements and responsibilities of operating drones.”

The Honourable Marc Garneau, Minister of Transport, today launched a national safety campaign and reiterated the Government of Canada’s intention to develop new regulations for drones.  The Minister unveiled a ‘No Drone Zone’ sign to remind users to only operate their drones in approved areas. The “No Drone Zone” signs will be distributed to a number of airports and other organizations to promote the safe use of drones and to deter operators from flying in areas that put aviation safety at risk.

“As the number of drones sharing our skies continues to grow, increasing awareness of the potential consequences of operating them illegally and perilously is critical to the safety of our airlines and passengers”, added O’Rourke.  “Our member airlines look forward to working with Transport Canada to establish new drone-operating regulations”.



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