Wings Magazine

Partner Jet and FSS team up


Partner Jet and FSS team up

Partner Jet Corp. has entered into a comprehensive Services & Support Agreement with Flight Solutions and Services (FSS) Inc.

June 14, 2010  By Carey Fredericks

June 14, 2010, Toronto – Partner Jet Corp. has entered into a
comprehensive Services & Support Agreement with Flight Solutions
and Services (FSS) Inc.

FSS services will augment Partner Jet’s existing customer services and support as well as adding to their technical capabilities to facilitate an increase in demand for Partner Jet’s aviation management, maintenance and support services.

Partner Jet and FSS have likewise entered into a joint services agreement with Uniform Yankee Juliet Air Inc. (“UYJ”), another well established Toronto based 704 Charter /Management company with offices and hangars at the Toronto International Airport, which is a current FSS subscriber. Partner Jet and UYJ, as two independent companies, operate 9 aircraft covering a broad range including large, mid & small cabin turbofan aircraft and are developing executive helicopter capability. The coordinated charter market potential of high quality aircraft from both fleets is significant and will benefit both companies.

Likewise, the combined services and support volumes of the two companies
along with those of other operators and owners presently being served by FSS’s comprehensive array of support capabilities will produce significant volume-related economies.


Partner Jet’s CEO Kevin Heitman, in announcing the new initiatives said: “the agreement to join the FSS consortium provides Partner Jet with immediate cost savings and access to services which permit us to rapidly respond to a range of growth opportunities. Our cost structures have now
improved, most goods and services we need now reflect volume discounts through FSS that make us far more cost-effective; which translates into savings for our customers, strengthens our competitive edge and improves the bottom line.”

“With FSS support, Partner Jet now has a network of relationships with operators like UYJ and others where we can lever off each other’s strengths, consolidate our purchasing power and share capabilities during periods of peak demand. Three days a week operators like us compete with each other, but four days in the same week we gain more from cooperating. Going back and forth between these roles is difficult sometimes; FSS involvement now provides a platform to consolidate our buying power, and reduce our costs. Lower costs are one area where we all agree – selective cooperation that gives us a competitive edge over the biggest management companies, is hard to argue against.”

Partner Jet is experiencing significant growth which is expected to continue in the months ahead. The company is preparing to add a Bombardier 605 large cabin aircraft to its Aircraft Operating Certificate (AOC) and to extend services and logistics support to aircraft in the fleets of several third party aircraft operators. In this regard, PJET Maintenance Ltd., a subsidiary of Partner Jet Inc., has been supplying technical support for 3 turbo-prop aircraft and 3 additional Jet aircraft from its maintenance facility at the Landmark Hangar in Toronto. The additional technical support contracts will produce a significant expansion of the PJET Maintenance Ltd. revenue base supported by FSSMxAerospace Inc., the Toronto-based full cycle technical services subsidiary of FSS Inc.


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