Wings Magazine

News Safety
SKYTRAC Systems now nation-wide

February 18, 2021  By Naomi Szeben

SKYTRAC Systems Ltd., an expert in satellite communications and intelligent connectivity, announced its expansion into Ottawa, Ontario.

In conjunction with SKYTRAC’s expanding Kelowna and Victoria-based engineering teams, the Ottawa office will be undertaking a number of research and development activities supporting Iridium Certus and Global Aeronautical Distress and Safety Systems (GADSS) solutions for the commercial airline industry.

The new facility, located in the heart of downtown Ottawa, close to Parliament Hill, will seek to address the demanding technical requirements for the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) 2023 GADSS mandate through SKYTRAC Autonomous Distress Tracking (ADT) solutions.

The mandated requirements (stemming from the loss of both Air France Flight 447 and Malaysian Airways Flight 370) will apply to all forward-fit aircraft with a Certificate of Airworthiness on or after January 1, 2023, to ensure that the global-location of an aircraft in distress can be determined every minute.

“Despite the pandemic and economic uncertainties, SKYTRAC has remained steadfast in its commitment to delivering leading safety products and solutions into the aerospace market,” mentioned Malachi Nordine, President, SKYTRAC in a statement. “Our Ottawa location will lead SKYTRAC’s research and development of new RF technologies and strategic industry partnerships and will support the Iridium Certus and GADSS program where applicable.”

In addition to the opening of the Ottawa location, SKYTRAC has also doubled its Kelowna-based office space and invested in infrastructure improvements for its Victoria facility, gained from a 2018 acquisition of Latitude Technologies.

SKYTRAC’s recent growth is partly attributed to its expanded partnership with satellite network provider Iridium Communications, which will see the organization launch new modem and satellite communications terminals with midband and broadband capabilities within the second and third quarter of 2021.

According to Stephen Hall, Senior Program Manager and Operations Manager of the Ottawa Office, the opening represents a significant investment by SKYTRAC.

“We are in a very competitive industry,” mentioned Hall. “Access to talented Canadian engineers afforded to us by our Ottawa location is key to us sustaining the growth we need to meet the increasing demand for our product lines.”

To support SKYTRAC’s Iridium Certus and GADSS programs, the company is actively hiring for a number of roles across Canada in Kelowna, Victoria, and Ottawa. Applicants are encouraged to visit or the company’s LinkedIn page at to apply.


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