Wings Magazine

Sparks steps down from Star Navigation Systems

April 16, 2012, Toronto - Star Navigation Systems Group Ltd. announces that, during a Special General Meeting of shareholders held April 13, 2012, Dale F. Sparks, formerly an officer of Star, resigned as a director of the Company.

April 16, 2012  By Carey Fredericks

The Special General Meeting, held at the Company's expense, had been called at the request of shareholders for the sole purpose of considering a resolution removing Mr. Sparks as a director. Mr. Spark's unexpected resignation came immediately prior to discussion of the resolution. The resignation was accepted.

The meeting was also advised that the Board, at its next meeting, will consider a change of Company policy to implement majority voting for directors at the next Annual General Meeting of shareholders. This would allow shareholders to vote on the election of directors on an individual basis, as opposed to voting for or against a slate of directors.

The vacancy now existing on the Board of Directors will be filled shortly.


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