Wings Magazine

Three die in B.C. float plane accident

May 15, 2012, Kelowna, B.C. - Three people are confirmed dead in the crash of a float plane in southern British Columbia.

May 15, 2012  By The Canadian Press

Transportation Safety Board spokesman Bill Yearwood says the three were in a de Havilland Beaver aircraft that went down on Sunday evening near the community of Peachland, southwest of Kelowna.

Yearwood says none of the three made it out of the plane after it burst into flames on impact.

He confirms the aircraft had taken off just minutes earlier from Okanagan Lake on a return trip to Pitt Meadows, 40 kilometres east of Vancouver, where the Beaver was based.

But Yearwood says there is no information on who was aboard or even if the owner of the plane was at the controls.


He says two TSB investigators are on their way to the scene, along Highway 97C, and are expected to arrive within hours, but there is no way to know exactly what went wrong until they can assess the wreckage.


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