Wings Magazine

Toronto Aerospace Museum to Host Operation Manna 2009

Jan. 29, 2009 – “Operation Manna 2009” Food & Funds Drive. The Museum will be collecting non perishable food items, and putting them in our Lancaster bomber.

January 29, 2009  By The Toronto Aerospace Museum & the North York Harvest Food Bank

Who: The Toronto Aerospace Museum  & the North York Harvest Food Bank

What:“Operation Manna 2009” Food & Funds Drive. The Museum will be collecting non perishable food items, and putting them in our Lancaster bomber. We are call this our "Operation Manna" – a reference, of course, to the original Operation Manna in 1945, when Lancasters dropped food to the starving citizens of the Netherlands.

When: Kick Off : Saturday January 31st 2009 – Phillip Gray, retired Lancaster Pilot who flew during Operation Manna will meet with Maria Haayen, a woman who lived in the Netherlands during the starvation and received food dropped by Lancaster Bombers during Operation Manna.
Food Drive: February 1st until April 14th 2009

Where:65 Carl Hall Road, Box 1, Downsview Park, Ontario M3K 2E1
Why:By filling our Lancaster with food, we will raise 2000 cubic ft. of food for the North York Harvest Food Bank. Many community groups (Air cadets, Flying clubs etc) will be involved in gathering foods for our food drive.  100% of Food & Funds collected will go directly to the North York Harvest Food Bank.  The Toronto AerospaceMuseum is an exciting educational, heritage and tourist attraction located at 65 Carl Hall Road in Downsview Park, Toronto, Ontario. Founded in 1997 the Museum displays a variety of aircraft and aerospace technology within Canada's oldest aircraft factory.
The aircraft factory was established by the de Havilland Aircraft of Canada in 1929. It is recognized as a National Historic Site of Canada as the birthplace of the famous DHC-2 Beaver bush plane developed at Downsview in 1947. The museum building was also the original home of the Canada Space Technology Company later know as SPAR and MDA Robotics
The Museum's mission is to create a facility and resources for the education of the local and aviation communities through the collection, preservation, restoration and exhibition of information, artifacts and technology associated with the aviation and aerospace history of the Greater Toronto  Area. 
For further information on events, activities and Museum hours, call 416-638-6078, email or visit
Photo Op:Actual Lancaster Bomber being restored at the Toronto Aerospace Museum, Actual Pilot of a Lancaster meeting with a woman who received food during food drops in 1945. 


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