Wings Magazine

Tourism ministers to attend key airline summit

Sept. 17, 2012, Manchester, U.K. - The seniority of delegates registered for World Routes, the 18th World Route Development Forum is higher than at any previous event. This year has seen high level registrations from all sectors of the industry including airline and airport CEOs and Ministers of Tourism.

September 17, 2012  By Carey Fredericks

Participation from Tourism Authorities from around the world is stronger than ever at this year's event, which will take place from 29 September to 2 October 2012 in Abu Dhabi. Many destinations, including Mexico (the world's 2nd largest tourism economy), Greece, St. Maarten, Sarawak, Trinidad and Tobago, the Seychelles, South Africa and the Philippines, amongst others have also confirmed that their Minister for Tourism will be in attendance at World Routes with many delivering ministerial destination briefings as part of the Routes Talks Tourism programme.

The number of Ministers who have registered for the event confirms that destinations view route development as an integral part of their economic development and that, as stakeholders, it is important for them to have a presence at World Routes, the largest commercial aviation event.

With 40 airline CEOs currently register to attend World Routes, this year will also see more senior airline delegates in attendance than in previous years. The total number of C-level delegates registered for World Routes in Abu Dhabi is 60 and if other senior delegates such as Vice Presidents and Commercial Directors are included the total rises to almost 200.

Carriers which have confirmed that their CEO will be in attendance in Abu Dhabi include, amongst many others, Kenya Airways, Air Arabia, CSA-Czech Airlines, Etihad Airways, Vueling and Air Seychelles. Many other attending airlines have also confirmed that they will bring senior representatives to the event including Air Berlin's Senior Vice President Network Planning & Development and Iberia Airlines' SVP Strategy.


This year World Routes will also see a number of senior airport delegates in attendance as registrations have already been received from CEOs of companies such as Aeroports deMontreal, Aeropuertos Argentina 2000, Bahrain International Airport, Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, Manchester Airport Group, St Petersburg International Pulkovo Airport and Los Angeles World Airports.

VP and Commercial, Routes, Nigel Mayes says: "We are thrilled with level of seniority that this year's event has attracted from all sectors of the industry. This interest in World Routes further strengthens our position as the world's leading commercial aviation event for route development and the number of Ministers for Tourism in attendance from around the world shows how important stakeholders are during the process of securing new routes to many destinations."


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