Wings Magazine

uFly Simulator’s SIM, Casado starred on CNN

malaysia-oneMarch 24, 2014 – He’s 33 years old, he works in Mississauga, and now he’s famous — sort of. He is Mitchell Casado, the guy with the hipster facial hair who handles the controls of an unofficial Boeing 777 flight simulator while CNN reporter Martin Savidge delves into a seemingly endless succession of aeronautical intricacies that might — or might not — shed light on the mystery of what happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.

March 24, 2014  By The Toronto Star

March 24, 2014 – He’s 33 years old, he works in Mississauga, and now he’s famous — sort of.

He is Mitchell Casado, the guy with the hipster facial hair who handles the controls of an unofficial Boeing 777 flight simulator while CNN reporter Martin Savidge delves into a seemingly endless succession of aeronautical intricacies that might — or might not — shed light on the mystery of what happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.

“I never thought I’d be doing this,” says Casado. “It’s been great. It’s been long hours but also very rewarding.”

The U.S. broadcaster began monopolizing the Canadian Boeing 777 simulator shortly after March 8 when the Malaysian plane veered off course on a flight that was supposed to take the aircraft and its 239 passengers and crew from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. The plane’s present whereabouts remain a mystery. | READ MORE


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